Treating sick and injured pets with diagnostics.
At Coco-Park Animal Hospital, our doctors and staff consider ourselves your other family doctor. We know how stressful it can be when your kid is not feeling well, whether that kid has two legs or four. We also know how important it is to obtain any pieces of the puzzle as quickly as possible to get a better picture of what’s going on, and in order to quickly and most correctly treat the problem. That’s why Coco-Park Animal Hospital offers a suite of in-house diagnostics.
We offer internal medicine consultation services by appointment through our Internal Medicine specialist Dr. Bettina Mayer-Roenne. She also performs ultrasounds, endoscopies, and many other advanced procedures right in our office! Please call our office for more information.
Learn more about our diagnostic services here:

Pet Digital Radiology
Digital x-rays assist in diagnosing illness & injury.
Pet Ultrasound
A non-invasive way to diagnose sick & injured pets.
Images of a pet's functioning heart.
A minimally invasive imaging technique.
Dog Genetic Testing
Discover your dog's breed.