Coco-Park Animal Hospital Virtual Care Appointments

Our virtual care appointments at Coco-Park Animal Hospital are designed to help fit your pet’s needs. For those whose pets have high anxiety going to the vet, are at higher risk for COVID, or have pet concerns that are of a non-emergency nature, our virtual care may be a great option for you.
Benefits of Virtual Care for Pets
- Some pets can make a visit to the vet a stressful experience, every time. Some of our four-legged friends suffer from anxiety and do not take well to any environment outside of their homes. Our teletriage can help provide a positive experience and prevent the exhausting aftermath of calming your pet.
- Post-surgery, your pet is at a very vulnerable stage for complications if the proper precaution and care are not maintained. This also applies to our patients with ongoing conditions. A simple virtual appointment can help ease the situation without putting your pet through more distress.
- Getting a new pet is exciting but can become overwhelming quickly. A trip to the vet for general questions may be inconvenient and require more time than anticipated. We offer general wellness advice from 15 minutes to 30-minute sessions. What diet should I feed my pet? What is the best insurance? Is chocolate dangerous or only dark chocolate? These are all questions that can be answered.
- Your pet may have some strange behaviors that cannot be easily described. You have noticed that this behavior is random yet concerning. What better way to show a licensed vet what your pet does than to catch them in the moment?
- A trip to the pet emergency room can be costly. There are a lot of cases where the trip to the ER was not necessary. The hours wasted in the waiting room and the costly bill can have anyone second-guessing a visit. In the comfort of your own home and without causing more trauma to your pet, a video chat can help ease your mind and provide you with information about the best treatment.
- Follow-up visits can last less than five minutes, and with the time it requires to prepare your pet, load the car, and drive to and from the veterinarian, it can be overwhelming for both of you. Virtual care provides the convenience to all furry parents to skip the travel time and attend the appointment right from the comfort of their own home.
Virtual care is not a substitute for in-person visits to the vet. A diagnosis is not rendered, and specific medical therapy will not be discussed. The essence of teletriage is to make good and safe decisions regarding if your pet needs to be seen by a veterinarian or not under conditions of uncertainty and urgency.
Why Coco-Park Animal Hospital?
Our experienced, qualified, and compassionate team provides services that aid in making pets thrive. As a state-of-the-art veterinary hospital, we offer therapeutic laser, diagnostic ultrasound, and specialty surgical services in addition to a wide variety of diagnostic services, x-ray examinations, surgical procedures, vaccinations, and wellness packages. Through continuing education, we stay up to date with the most recent developments within the veterinary field and are devoted to exercising compassion in all of our interactions. Not only do we provide quality care to your pets, but we also support and educate you as the caretaker.
Call us today at (954) 698-6722, to schedule your virtual appointment or e-mail:
Your pets will love us, we “shih-tzu” not!